
The first sofa made into sticker form. She is based off a sofa that I rendered back in 2017 as a mural proposal in Florida - after Hurricane Sandy. While I never met this chair in person, she was spotted in images of abandoned buildings that surfaced following the flooding of a previous hurricane.
Atlanta Prison Farm
I found this chair while urban exploring in East Atlanta back in 2016. The Atlanta Prision farm, now abandoned, was previously inhabited by inmates who would farm and harvest the surrounding land to feed their ranks. Additionally, large hills in the landscape are the sites of burials for two elephants who once lived at the Atlanta Zoo. I have rendered this chair many times in various media: including oil painting, linocut print, and in varied sizes of embroidery.
Memphis Milano
This Memphis Milano inspired chair came into my "possession" as a commission. I have now made her a few times, including in this color variation. I like it so much better than the original commissioned version.

First work using both oil paint and embroidery. Black & white monochromatic and color matched paint to DMC embroidery thread adorn a hand stretches canvas. It has been specifically gessoed just in the areas where paint would be applied to protect the canvas and to make it easier to sew the images without stabbing continuously through the gesso. This scene is a combination of furniture and appliances that were spotted at various scenes of eviction piles, thus informing it's name: Evicted.
Family Portrait

This piece is the second oil paint & embroidery combination work. I drove to Vermont in 2018 (from Atlanta to Johnson) to attend a month-long residency at the Vermont Studio Center. I took backroads to avoid costly tolls. On the way up, I jumped out of the car many times to take photos of abandoned buildings, homes, structures I stumbled upon just off the main roads. This composition is a combination of all the various abandoned chairs spotted on this trip with some old favorites previously rendered. Combining these lonely chairs into a single composition feels like giving them a home or a place to be remembered.